Nezha is an animation movie launch in 2019 directed and written by Jiaozi. This animation was an adaptation from a Chinese Mythology surrounding the Rebels and the East China Sea Dragon King’s son Ao. The story was talking about the accidental errors become a “magic pill” The reincarnated Nezha faced the fate of fate and did not succumb, but a story of courage to fight.
Nezha supposed to born with the Spirit Pearl, but because of Taiyi’s mistake, accidentally born by the magic pill which with anger. The magic pill considered the pill of demons, destined that Nezha will be the demon in the town. Because of his rebellion, his parents did not abandon him. With the help of Taiyi, he teaches Nezha on how to use his power and help the town out. However, the villagers still can’t accept the appears of Nezha, this makes him angry and depressed. In that period, Nezha also meet Ao, which is the kids with spirit pills. Ao is the son of the East China Sea Dragon King. Because Ao’s family background, he has no friends since young, so two of them become best friends and face those problems together.
From the name of the film, we get to know that Nezha was the main character in this film. According to the film, Nezha born with a magic pill which destined as demons. This causes he has an unhappy childhood because everyone on the town scared of him, kids also don’t allow to play with him. Therefore, he became more and more rebellious, always slip out to the town to fool around those villagers. Although he was cynicism, but he uses his power to save the town no matter if he lost himself. His courage is awesome. It perfectly shows that people should control their own destiny, instead of being destined.
Besides, Ao is the second character. He was a poor child since childhood also. What he carries is the hope of revitalizing the ethnic, which leads him to have a sense of maturity that is not in children of the same age, but also has a grief that is incompatible with children of the same age. He also a person who cares about his siblings. This was said so is because Ao and Nezha was born by magical pills, just that one was spirit and another one was demons. In the dangerous moment, he chooses to save Nezha from danger. Although lastly they still no match for fate, but at least they have worked hard for it.
Last but not least, whether our destiny is destined or in our own hands, we must also fight for ourselves. What if we win? The story of Nezha although different from the original Methodology, but it literally brings out the message wanted to bring out.